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5 tips to pick the best coffee beans for espresso
Making brewed coffee is certainly not done in the same way that it was decades ago. Technology has come a long way over the last few decades with numerous coffee-making devices including the rise of the at-home espresso machine.
There is no difference between beans used for coffee and espresso. Beans are chosen for particular flavors. While regular coffee has been simple to make at home in the past, we now have the ability to brew many other ground coffee beverages as well. The espresso blend is one that many of us love.
So, let's learn how to choose the beans for your espresso that suit your individual tastes and preferences, so you know you are getting a great drink every time.
Tip n* 1 : Always go for whole beans
The espresso shot you drink in a café should be strong and intense. This means that when you prepare an espresso, you should ideally prepare it with the "freshest" coffee possible.
Therefore, the quality of the beans is of the utmost importance. It is also essential to buy them whole, as ground coffee loses its aroma and taste quite quickly. So keep a grinder handy and buy whole beans. Only grind the amount of coffee you are going to use for your coffee.
Ground espresso coffee will not necessarily give you the richness in a cup that you expect. So buy only whole beans to get the best possible espresso experience at home.
Tip n* 2 : Use a darker coffee roast
The best style of roast for espresso is a darker roast. The deep, bold flavor makes an espresso stand out.
Darker roasts don't change as drastically as they get older. They are more reliable over time. Darker roasts also taste better when milk is added. They often have deep notes of chocolate, caramel, and nuts and so they work well with espressos and other coffee drinks with added milk.
The taste of a dark roast that has sweet vanilla or fruit flavor can be great in espresso as can maple, chocolate, or nut.
Tip n* 3 : Use Fresh coffee beans
If you want your espresso to be top-notch, then freshly roasted coffee beans are the best options. Opt for top quality roasters, such as Italian roasters who are often masters in the art of espresso.
This timeline will be reflected in the cream. This is the top layer of the coffee drink that occurs when the hot water combines with the fresh grounds.
It offers a good depth of flavor to the espresso itself. As the beans get farther away from their roast date, they lose the CO2, and this will reduce the amount of cream when the espresso is made and diminish its full flavor potential.
Tip n* 4 : Find ad special coffee roast that has balance and consistency
You do not want to fiddle around each day trying to get that flavor exactly right. Find a roast that will give you your desired taste each time it is brewed.
However, there are also many places where you can buy small batches if you have time to try something new. Maybe a limited edition brew that has some new and innovative flavors. Have your go-to brew but enjoy some innovation as well so you aren’t stuck in an espresso rut.
Tip n* 5 : Espresso beans and coffee beans ARE THE SAME !
Don’t be fooled by beans labeled as espresso beans. There is no difference between beans used for coffee and espresso. Beans are chosen and roasted for particular flavors but are not specifically made for espresso.
Espresso is a way of making coffee, not the beans themselves. An espresso drink is what you get from a brewing process, the flavor from the coffee bean selected and the pressure applied by the coffee machine.
That being said, there are blends designated to make espresso coffees but that is for flavor, not for the drink itself. Those blends could be used to brew longer coffees as well.
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